The Global Justice XML Data Model. Proxy types that carry dictionary metadata and have XML data type simple contents. Proxy types that carry dictionary metadata and extend Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 6-4 county and equivalent entity codes of the United States, its possessions, and associated areas. Proxy types that carry dictionary metadata and extend United States state and possession abbreviations from the United States Parcel Service (USPS). Proxy types that carry dictionary metadata and extend codes from the National Crime and Information Center (NCIC) 2000 standard. The appinfo for the schemas A structure that describes details about an activity or process that occurs. A structure that describes a postal location to which paper mail can be directed. Details about a street. A piece of information used to identify a particular unit within a specific location. Examples of this could be an apartment number or a suite number. A name of a city or town. A name of a county, parish, or vicinage. A code identifying a county, parish, or vicinage. A code identifying a state. A zip code or postal code. A structure that describes a digital representation of an object encoded in a binary format. An identifying number or string for the encoded data. A binary encoding of data, e.g., a binary encoding of a picture, photo, image, graphic, sound, or video. A textual description of a binary object. Identifies a url or file reference of the binary object. A structure that describes an aggregation of information about a set of related activities and occurrences. A number used to identify a case docket. A structure that describes details about how to contact a person or an organization. A telephone number of a person or organization. A structure that describes details about a direction of a judge not including a judgement, which determines some point or directs some steps in proceedings. A location to which a court order applies. A judge or other judicial official that issued a court order. A date a court order was issued by a judicial official. A structure that describes details about a sticker attached to a permanent registration plate. A year as shown on the registration decal issued, e.g., 1995, 1996, 1997, etc. A structure that describes inherent and frequently used characteristics of a document. The binary encoding of the content of a document. A structure that describes an identifier of an entity. A value that identifies an entity within the identifier domain. A name, identifier, or code of an organization or person that has authority over an identifier. An area or region, e.g., state or country, in which an identifier is unique. A code identifying an area or region, e.g., state or country, in which an identifier is unique. A structure that describes a person involved in a judicial area of government. A structure that describes a physical location. Details about an address for a location, e.g., a postal address. A structure that describes a representation of a measurement. A structure that describes a unit which conducts some sort of business or operations. A name of an organization. A structure that describes a measurement of the height of a person. A code list that enumerates units of measurement for the height of a person. centimeter decimeter foot inch meter An NCIC formatted three-digit person height field. The first digit represents the height of the person in feet, the second two digits represent the remainder of the height in inches, e.g. six feet two inches is represented as "602". A structure that describes a name of a person. A structure that describes a name of a person. A first name of a person. A middle name of a person. A last name or family name of a person. A component that is appended after the family name that distinguishes members of a family with the same given, middle, and last name, (e.g., Jr, Sr, III), or otherwise qualifies the name (e.g., MD, LLD, PhD). A structure that describes the physical appearance of a person. A measurement of the height of a person. A measurement of the weight of a person. The color of a person's eyes. A code identifying the color of a person's eyes. The color of a person's hair. A code identifying the color of a person's hair. The gender or sex of a person. A code identifying the gender or sex of a person. A classification of a person based on factors such as geographical locations and genetics. A code identifying the race of a person. A structure that describes the inherent and frequently associated characteristics of a person. A name by which a person is known. Details about the place in which a person lives. Information on a preferred or primary contact mechanism. A date a person was born. A set of details about the physical appearance of a person. A name and set of personal demographics describing the same person using alternative descriptors, e.g., an AKA. A structure that describes the measurement of the weight of a person. A code list that enumerates units of measurement for the weight of a person. kilogram pound An NCIC formatted three-digit person weight field, where the three digits represents the weight of the person in pounds. A structure that describes a civil order protecting one individual from another. A person that a subject is restricted from having any contact with as defined in a protection order. A structure that describes a place in which a person lives. A structure that describes a street. A complete street reference, e.g., "123 Main Street NW". A structure that describes metadata common to most other structures. A structure that describes a telephone number that can be dialed to reach a contact. A full length telephone identifier. A proxy structure that represents a character string, generally in the form of words of a language, and includes language metadata. A code that identifies the unit of measure of a height of a person. A code that identifies the unit of measure of the weight of a person. A textual description of a binary object. An identifying number or string for the encoded data. A binary encoding of data, e.g., a binary encoding of a picture, photo, image, graphic, sound, or video. Identifies a url or file reference of the binary object. An aggregation of information, in any format, that describes a set of related activities and occurrences. The domain or discipline defines the limits of the information included in a specific kind of case. Case is not limited to any particular discipline or domain, and can relate a wide range of areas: a situation requiring investigation or action (as by the police); the object of investigation or consideration; an instance of disease or injury; an instance that directs attention to a situation or exhibits it in action; a set of circumstances or a state of affairs; a situation; a question or problem; a matter; an action or a law suit or just grounds for an action; the facts or evidence offered in support of a claim; a set of reasons or supporting facts; a person being assisted, treated, or studied, as by a physician, lawyer, or social worker. A number used to identify a case docket. A telephone number of a person or organization. A location to which a court order applies. A date a court order was issued by a judicial official. A judge or other judicial official that issued a court order. A year as shown on the registration decal issued, e.g., 1995, 1996, 1997, etc. Details about inherent and frequently used characteristics of a document. Format or media is irrelevant in defining a document, however they are characteristics of a document. Documents are considered unique resources. The binary encoding of the content of a document. A value that identifies an entity within the identifier domain. A name, identifier, or code of an organization or person that has authority over an identifier. A code identifying an area or region, e.g., state or country, in which an identifier is unique. An area or region, e.g., state or country, in which an identifier is unique. Details about a physical location. Details about an address for a location, e.g., a postal address. A name of a city or town. A code identifying a county, parish, or vicinage. A name of a county, parish, or vicinage. A zip code or postal code. A piece of information used to identify a particular unit within a specific location. Examples of this could be an apartment number or a suite number. A code identifying a state. Details about a street. A name of an organization. A name and set of personal demographics describing the same person using alternative descriptors, e.g., an AKA. A date a person was born. A code identifying the color of a person's eyes. The color of a person's eyes. A first name of a person. A code identifying the color of a person's hair. The color of a person's hair. A measurement of the height of a person. A middle name of a person. A name by which a person is known. A set of details about the physical appearance of a person. A code identifying the race of a person. A classification of a person based on factors such as geographical locations and genetics. A code identifying the gender or sex of a person. The gender or sex of a person. A component that is appended after the family name that distinguishes members of a family with the same given, middle, and last name, (e.g., Jr, Sr, III), or otherwise qualifies the name (e.g., MD, LLD, PhD). A last name or family name of a person. A measurement of the weight of a person. Information on a preferred or primary contact mechanism. A civil order, issued by a court, protecting one individual from another. A person that a subject is restricted from having any contact with as defined in a protection order. Details about the place in which a person lives. A complete street reference, e.g., "123 Main Street NW". A full length telephone identifier.